Swiggy Loot Offer
First time users of amazon pay on Swiggy : 50% cb upto 100 (upto 11th march) 300 Rs Food @ 100 ( valid 5 times)
Offer starts from 9-10 march
STEPS : Create new swiggy account New swiggy users, Signup Using Referral Code : 4CF8BD
Make cart value : 300 or More
Apply code : ORDER50 (valid 5 times )
You will get 100 off Now pay remaining 200 via amazon, u will get 50% cb max 100
Effective Price = 300 - 100 (ORDER50) - 100 (amazon pay cb) = 100
First time users of amazon pay on Swiggy : 50% cb upto 100 (upto 11th march) 300 Rs Food @ 100 ( valid 5 times)
Offer starts from 9-10 march
STEPS : Create new swiggy account New swiggy users, Signup Using Referral Code : 4CF8BD
Make cart value : 300 or More
Apply code : ORDER50 (valid 5 times )
You will get 100 off Now pay remaining 200 via amazon, u will get 50% cb max 100
Effective Price = 300 - 100 (ORDER50) - 100 (amazon pay cb) = 100